Typed JS

To customize the subtitle, change the data-options attribute and type each word or sentence separately.

<span class="text-primary typed_text" data-options="Web Developer, Graphic Designer"></span>

How to add Item in Portfolio Section

You can add images, embed videos (YouTube, Vimeo), and links in the portfolio section.

If you want to add images, use the daniel_popup_link class name and for data-link attribute set image:

<a href="portfolio/portfolio1.html" title="Graphic Design" data-link="image" class="block_hover_inside rounded d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center text-reset text-decoration-none daniel_popup_link"> ... </a>

If you want to show an embedded link, use the daniel_popup_link class name and for data-link attribute set iframe:

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oC1m-dTFX6g" title="Graphic Design" data-link="iframe" class="block_hover_inside rounded d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center text-reset text-decoration-none daniel_popup_link"> ... </a>

If you want to add images, use the daniel_popup_link class name and for data-link attribute set link:

<a href="portfolio/portfolio1.html" title="Graphic Design" data-link="link" class="block_hover_inside rounded d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center text-reset text-decoration-none daniel_popup_link"> ... </a>

Show Element by layout mode

If you have an element, that must showed only on dark or light layout, you can use show-* classnames. For example if you want to show on dark mode only, add show-dark classname.

Contact Form

Open the form.php file and modify your email here.

$email_host = 'smtp.gmail.com'; // SMTP host ex. smtp.gmail.com for gmail mailserver
$email = '[email protected]'; // Your Email Address
$email_passsword = 'emailpassword'; //  Password
$welcome_subject = "Thank you for getting in touch!"; //Success Message Subject

//Google Recaptcha3
define('G_VERIFICATION', false); //Set true if you want to use google recaptcha 3
define('G_SECRET', 'reCAPTCHA_secret_key'); // Google secret key

Google ReCaptcha 3

If you want to activate Google ReCaptcha, first read this article.

After registering your website on Google ReCaptcha, you will receive two properties from Google: secret code and site core. Follow the steps for activation:

In the php/form.php file set G_VERIFICATION to true and copy-paste your secret code in the G_SECRET value.

$email_host = 'smtp.gmail.com'; // SMTP host ex. smtp.gmail.com for gmail mailserver
$email = '[email protected]'; // Your Email Address
$email_passsword = 'emailpassword'; //  Password
$welcome_subject = "Thank you for getting in touch!"; //Success Message Subject

//Google Recaptcha3
define('G_VERIFICATION', false); //Set true if you want to use google recaptcha 3
define('G_SECRET', 'reCAPTCHA_secret_key'); // Google secret key

Then on front-end part, in your preferred layout on bottom, you will see a commented script code with the Google ReCaptcha API. Uncomment this code and insert your own site code. See example below.

<!--Google Recaptcha-->
<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=reCAPTCHA_site_key"></script>
<!--Custom script-->